Creation of intranet showcase sites

Perfect for communicating the news about your entity / occupation / project

A highlighting of your activities

Communicate quickly and simply about your recent news.

A support throughout your entire project

Receive our expertise from the statement of requirements to the uploading of your website.

Meet your users’ expectations

Nous vous conseillons sur les fonctionnalités à privilégier pour atteindre vos objectifs, sans surenchère technologique. We advice you on the features to privilige to reach your objectives, with no technological excess.

Opt for the arranging of a custom-made intranet, accessible by a phone

Our common objective : to create together an intranet that is easy to access and familiarize with, that makes the collaborater want to contribute and log onto it. Our team of specialists with various and compatible profiles (Project leaders, UX UI designers, integrators…) supports you throughout your entire project to meet with your concerns in terms of digital communication : we advice and concieve as you please.

The WAVE offer centers on :
• A guidance phase, to establish the basis of your requirements
• A fonctionnal and graphic conception phase, to elaborate and optimize the site’s user experience and visual rendering.
• A realisation phase, which include the entire functionnal configuration and the front-end developpments for the setting up of all the functionnalities.
• A support phase, to train you and then guide you during your first steps

Based on a standard or personalized model, the WAVE offer adapts to your needs, all on a secure, sized and ready-to-use platform to free you from the constraints of setting up a new platform and thus focus on the content to offer.

Digital projects that propel your ideas

Our realizations

Over 18 sites have already been created

Need a showcase website ? Opt for Wave !

Discover also

The other offers by the Digiteam


Build your communication websites simply and quickly

  • Event, institutional and product sites
  • Competitive pricing and lead times
  • Compliance with Group standards


For a custom-made digital project, fully meeting expectations

  • Custom project
  • Multi-domain expertise
  • Multichannel or Omnichannel