Crédit Agricole S.A.
Client Entity
A holding company and listed company of the Group, Crédit Agricole S.A. is a social entity that ensures coordination, consistency and synergies between entities to support the ambitions of the Group Project.
Statement of requirements
The challenges were to:
- Access brand cards, pros memos and business cards by NAF code or activity
- To integrate a simulator
- Access the latest publications and studies that are relevant to current events
- Strengths/Disadvantages of the crisis under each NAF code
- 3-year past turnover indicators
- Changes in CDL levels (under “Risk”)

Solution implemented
Pro Box, the intranet for professional advisors, offers advisors a better database to better understand the needs and expectations of their professional clients and thus intensify their relationship of trust. With a UX/UI approach in accordance with the rules of the art that has resulted in a tool adapted to the business, ProBox offers many functionalities such as sector fiches on the pros business lines, fiches on many franchises or memos.

The Digiteam little extra
What is special about this project?
- This project involved nearly 50 advisors from 7 Regional Banks*, Digiteam CACIB (IOS / GIT / DEC), CAL&F, the Credit and Marketing Customer Communication user divisions and the CA-TS Caesar teams.
* Anjou Maine, Aquitaine, Côtes-d’Armor, Ile-de-France, Normandy, Pyrénées Gascogne, South Mediterranean