Secure file transfer

Securely transfer large and/or confidential files

Ultra-secure transfer

Securely transfer secret data with group entities and/or outside people.

Controlled and enhanced access

The supervisor manages space clearances and security settings. All user actions are traced.

Subscribed to the Group Solutions Convergence catalog

A dedicated CA secure SAAS platform, validated by Group security, the Cloud Reference Center and certified Secnumcloud.

Exchange your files securely!

Digiteam offers you the PostFiles service offer from the French publisher Oodrive which has been validated by the Group security, the Cloud Reference Center and the Group Cloud Validation Center. This tool allows confidential files to be shared securely with Group employees and external partners. A dozen entities are already customers: CACIB, CA-CF, CA-TS, Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France, Sodica and Interfimo.

You too benefit from an ultra-secure sharing platform in a dedicated Crédit Agricole cloud hosting certified “SecNumCloud” (the highest level of certification issued by ANSII*). Secure your share by limiting share time, automatically deleting files at the end of the share, limiting the number of downloads, accessing the share via a password or OTP, and displaying a dynamic watermark. PostFiles also offers an Outlook plugin and APIs to automate transfers.

*Autorité Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (National Information Systems Security Authority)

Many files were shared securely

Need a secure platform? Go for PostFiles!

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The other offers from the Digiteam


Secure dissemination of confidential information and documents

  • Stay in control of sensitive data
  • Provide ultra-secure access
  • Subscribed to the Group Solutions Convergence catalog


Share your data in an ultra-secure way!

  • Share securely
  • Managed and controlled access
  • Writen in to the Group Solutions Convergence catalog