Crédit Agricole S.A
Client entity
The Crédit Agricole Group is the leading financier of the French economy, the 10th largest bank in the world by total assets, and one of the leading banking players in Europe.
As the leader in retail banking in Europe, the Group is also the leading European asset manager, the leading bancassurer in Europe and one of the European leaders in project finance. The bank of nearly one in two companies in France, the Group operates in 48 countries and has 142,000 employees and 52 million customers.
Statement of requirements
The Group Communications Department wanted to redesign the institutional portal Credit-Agricole.com.
The main objectives of the project are as follows: to offer a single site, adapted to different target populations, both internal and external; to become a real news medium for the Group accessible on mobile devices; to enhance the image of the Crédit Agricole Group; to provide regulatory information; to offer content dedicated to employees; to direct to the sites of the Group’s subsidiaries and intranets.

Implemented solution
The site allows public information to be provided for the Internet section and/or information for employees to be provided on the Intranet section. Both types of communication are possible on the same site, via a single URL, thanks to control of the access point allowing to offer the right level of information to the right visitors.
The intranet+internet portal credit-agicole.com then allows:
To ensure the Group’s presence on the Internet,
Ensuring the requirements of the AMF (permanent availability of regulatory information),
To offer in-house specific content for the Group’s employees.
This site also includes several parts: the institutional parts managed and administered by the Group Communications Department (description of the group, sustainable development, etc.), and the “finance and shareholders” part administered by the Financial Communications Department, individual shareholder relations team, reporting to the Group Finance Department.

The Digiteam little extra
What are the first steps taken in advance of a site redesign ?
Digiteam is commissioned to conduct a study on the existing system with the aim of achieving two objectives: measuring the quality of the redesign in order to be able to evaluate the benefits obtained (Before and After) and identifying lessons to be taken into account such as profiles, the content sought or even standard pathways.
What development methodology was used for this project ?
Digiteam has adopted a user-centered site design methodology, called the “UX” methodology, so that the site meets the needs of different types of users.
Attempted by an ambitious digital experience platform project ?